You do not need to look for a special day to make your mom, feel special. But there are certain things that have become a part of custom and our collective culture over timeand Mother’s Day is one of them. It is a day when we celebrate motherhood and the spirit of selfless love a mother has for her child.
Often we try to indulge in small gestures to make our mothers feel special on this day. Some of us buy a Greeting card every year; some are happy just sending an sms; others take their mommies out for dinner on this day. Over the years, as the concept of Mother’s Day has become a part of our urban culture, the idea of gifting too has evolved.
A number of people are coming with out of the box ideas of gifting these days. So, if you are one of those who have been wondering what to gift your mother or any other mother around you, we share with you some ideas for this year.

A Gym membership: Workouts are an element mothers need the most, not only to maintain a good shape, but also to make sure they remain healthy. When they balance ten things at a time, work, family, friends and social circle, where will they find time to keep themselves fit? If your mother has been postponing her workouts and exercises for years, give her a push this time by enrolling her at a gym and paying the fee.
Cosmetic procedures: If there is one thing a woman would always love, it is a gift that would add to her beauty. More so, if it redefines the way she looks. A woman in her middle age would particularly feel very happy if she gets a new, refreshed and younger appearance. Some sons and daughters are trying to give their mothers a gift of beauty by taking them to a cosmetologist.
Modern day non-invasive cosmetic procedures can really turnaround the way you look. So, if a woman has hollowing cheeks or thinning lips, a session with hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers like Juvederm can do wonders for her and fill up her face once again. A Botox session, on the other hand, will take away the wrinkles from the forehead and around the eyes. Believe it, your mother may look up the way she looked when you were in school. Treatments like chemical peels, laser skin tightening and medifacials are all extremely popular today. They are also gaining currency as unconventional yet interesting gifting options.
Juggling between multiple jobs, women, particularly those who are mothers, hardly have enough time to think about themselves. This Mother’s Day you can give her a voucher that she can redeem at a beauty clinic and get the beauty treatment she desires.
Home Utility products: Some loving children love to make their mothers feel cared for. Home Utility products that would help a woman better organize her home have also become a gifting option today. For many a gift like a shoe rack or an accessory organizer will have much more utility and long term value as compared to a basket of flowers or greeting cards. It will also be a novel gift that will bring a smile on a person’s face. So if your mother is looking for compact, robust and eye pleasing solutions for her home, you can gift her a beautiful laundry bag to match her home decor or a laundry drying stand or a beautifully designed show rack.

A vacation: When was the last time you saw your mother pack up and relax without any worry? If you do not remember, give her an opportunity. Book a quiet vacation for her on a hill station, or if she loves the sea, take her off to a beach. She will get some much needed time of solitude and rest.
Electronic gadgets: You would not normally associate a laptop or a kindle with a Mother’s Day gift but many people today are trying to give more value to their gifts by finding items that their loved one will cherish. Mobile phones, tablets, laptops are the latest items to have climbed the gifting shelves.
If your mother is not Internet savvy and doesn’t have a computer, gift her a laptop this year and introduce her to the world of Internet and social media. She may even find some of her lost friends on Facebook and would love it. If she likes clicking and collecting pictures, think about gifting her a good camera.
By Dr. Chiranjiv Chhabra, Dermatologist, Skin Alive Clinics, Delhi