Hate the sun? If you are an asthmatic chances are your inhaler intake might go up. Adults with asthma who have vitamin D deficiency may be much more likely to experience asthma attacks. A new study by researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel found that asthmatics with vitamin D deficiency were 25% more likely to experience an asthma attack than those with normal vitamin D levels.
This is not the first study to link vitamin D deficiency with asthma severity. In 2012, Medical News Today reported on a study claiming asthmatic children with low vitamin D levels have poorer lung function.
The research team assessed the medical records of about 4 million individuals aged 22-50 and their vitamin D levels were measured. Among these, 21,000 people already had physician-diagnosed asthma.
Results of the analysis revealed that asthmatics who had low vitamin D levels were 25% more likely to have an asthma attack.
So here is more reason to go out in sun!