Motherhood is a very special feeling and feeding (though many women hate it at first) is a boon to the new mommy. Feeding helps you create the mother-child bond with the new born. Feeding also had its benefits for a new mother. But many modern mums avoid it because of lifestyle or personal choice, so for all formula-feeding mothers we decided to put light on the advantages of breastfeeding for mothers.
Burns calories: According to the reports breastfeeding mothers easily get back to their normal weight and burn up 500 calories a day as the fat accumulated during pregnancy is used to produce milk.
Creates bonding: Besides physical heath breastfeeding helps both children and mothers emotionally too. Breastfeeding mothers create a strong and special relationship with their child and show less postpartum anxiety and depression.
Protect against breast cancer: Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer. The reduction in cancer risk comes in proportion to the cumulative lifetime duration of breastfeeding, the more you breastfeed the lower is the risk. Beside breast cancer it also reduces the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer.
Saves money and time: Mother’s milk is always available and doesn’t cost you anything. So when ever your child starts crying for milk just feed and comfort him. Also breastfed babies are healthy and do not fall sick as compared to formula fed ones. Secondly you do not need to prepare the milk or carry that equipment when you are going out.
Reduces postpartum bleeding: During breastfeeding oxytocin is released which helps the uterus return to its regular size quickly which helps reduce postpartum bleeding.