After multiple gossip sessions over her so called fake pregnancy news, Rani Mukherjee is pregnant. In fact, the couple Rani and Yash Raj Films head honcho Aditya Chopra, tied the knot in a quiet ceremony in April 2014 and rumours of an impending baby started.
However, this time Rani’s sister Jyoti Mukherjee, confirmed the news to Mumbai Mirror: “Yes, Rani is pregnant,” she said.
The report states that she is expecting her child in January 2016, and also adds that she is currently travelling with Chopra and were spotted by a fan in London getting a pre-natal spa massage.
Rani had said in an interview in July this year, she saw herself doing “kick-ass films” and having “lovely babies beside me as I go to the set” in five years. Rani Mukherjee’s last film was Pradeep Sarkar’s Mardaani, which hit the theatres in August 2014.
Let’s see whether it’s pink or blue for Rani and Aditya! Our very best wishes to the mommy to be.