Skin and hair care tips post Holi


Lady getting a head wash after hair colour/
Lady getting a head wash/freedigitalphotos

We all take extra precautions for skin and hair before playing Holi from putting oils and creams on face to wearing a scarf we never miss a single step. But do you know skin care post Holi is equally important as toxic colours together with the UV rays from sun can cause photo toxic reaction to the skin which can further lead to blisters causing redness. So its very important to take off the colour from hair and skin gently. At times one wrong step can cause skin problems too.
1. Hair should be deep conditioned after the wash. Make sure your hair is clean. Apply hair mask after 2-3 days to cure the damage.
2. Cleaning the skin and hair after playing with colours is very important. Do not rub the skin vigorously with soaps to wipe the face of gulal, instead opt for a cleanser. Follow this up with lots of moisturizer, especially ones that are meant for sensitive skin.
3. Avoid scraping off colors with your finger nails as they will leave unpleasant marks. Gently apply a granular scrub on the body and face to get rid of the colours
4. Do not bleach, shave, wax or go for facial or clean ups the following week. Give your skin and body some time to recover from the damage.
5. Avoid using kerosene, petrol and spirits to remove stains, as they will make your skin dry.
6. Rejuvenate your skin with a mixture of sea salt, glycerine and a few drops of aroma oil have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effect and can take care of removing chemical colors