According to an Australian study, women can tell with some accuracy whether an unfamiliar male is faithful simply by looking at his face, but men seem to lack the same ability.
Researchers found that women tend to make the judgement based on how masculine-looking the man was. More masculine-looking men are rated as more probable to be unfaithful and having a sexual history.
In the study, 34 men and 34 women were shown colour photographs of 189 adult faces and asked to rate them for faithfulness. The researchers compared their answers to the reported sexual histories of the individuals and found that the women participants were better able to tell who was faithful and who was not. Mostly it’s found that men with unfaithful partners risk raising another man’s child, while women with unfaithful partners risk losing some, or even all, parental and other resources to competitors.
Indian women are blessed with this quality and can easily a judge man by his touch and looks. No one teaches them this quality but it somehow comes from within. A lady can spot the difference between a good and a bad touch but now it’s proved that she can even judge how faithful he is.
Well girls try brushing your skills to find a right partner.