Keep those post-festive blues at bay

The great long 5 day holiday came to end today and whats worse it’s Monday! The Diwali week kept us all busy, meeting friends, going for melas, relatives coming over and eating Indian mithai made the last 5 days super happy and busy for most of us. Now settling back to routine with a post-Diwali hangover seems plain sad and we all need a pick me up. Here are a few ways to get back to your routine and not let the festive blues mar your happiness:
Sleep early
The number one reason to feel unhappy is that during the Diwali week you compromised on sleep and now you are hitting back work all sad, grumpy and clearly sleepy. Sleep early tonight and for a few more nights, to get uninterrupted hours of sleep.
Make a weekend plan
Plan a dinner date with your friends or boyfriend for Friday night, it will keep you excited for the whole week and you would have something to look forward to.

Go for a run
Adrenaline and endorphins can always make you happier than whatever mood you are in! Running helps in changing your mood, effectively. The fresh air and the burst of energy can uplift you and yes make you happier.
Go back to your diet slowly
Don’t crash diet out of guilt conscience; go back slowly to your diet. Start by cutting out processed food and sugars, then you can go back to your diet. Starving yourself right now would make the festive blues worse!
Plan a vacation
See the next set of holidays and start planning your vacation early on. While I need to check my kid’s timetable to take a break, imagining one and scouting for locations is never a bad idea.

Head out for a foot spa
Our feet often bear the brunt on Diwali, walking without slippers, running around, they becoming dirty and need some TLC. Get yourself a relaxing pedicure to help your feet feel better.
How was your Diwali weekend? Are you facing issues much like us settling back into the groove?