Check out a few early signs of COVID-19:
At this point, cases are rising too much, and identifying the covid-19 symptoms has never been important. There is a wide range of symptoms reported by those who have been infected with the virus. The average incubation period is around 5-6 days, some people experience signs of the infection as soon as two days after exposure. Here are some early signs that you need to look out for
You have a loss of taste
One of the earliest symptoms of COVID-19 is the loss of taste. This symptom can appear in as little as two days after exposure.
You have a loss of smell
People who are infected with the virus might experience a loss of smell, also called anosmia. Doctors explain: “As the coronavirus infects the body, it invades your olfactory organ, which is responsible for your sense of smell, and damages the blood vessels feeding this organ,”.
You have nausea
The second gastrointestinal symptom that can be an early sign of COVID is nausea.
Dry cough
A dry cough—”one that does not produce mucus”. If you have a dry cough then it might be a symptom.
Muscle or body ache
If you experience pain in your body it might be a symptom of the corona. According to the survey, nearly 45 percent reported muscle or body aches.
You have a headache
Nearly one-third of coronavirus patients experience headaches.
Sore throat
Many corona patients report a sore throat.
Contact your medical expert if you have any of these symptoms.