In this age of virtual and plastic money, cloning a card or misusing personal information to access bank accounts is quite possible. Well getting an account hacked or identities stolen are crimes which are fast becoming common in India. Here are a few ways to protect your accounts:
Guard your password: Many of us save our ATM pins and internet passwords on our phones and computers. But try memorizing them and write them on a paper and lock them in your cupboard. Another important tip is to be extra careful when you type in your password.
Chose a tough security question: Avoid choosing easy questions, like your mother’s maiden name, your first car or any information that can be easily found.
Clear your internet history often: If you use your laptop or PCo log into your bank account or shop online, it’s important to clear all browsing history often.
Check your account transactions often: Always keep a tab on your spending and check your account details often. If you notice any strange charges ask your bank for the details.
Think twice before buying online: Use only trusted websites when you order online. You can always take the cash on delivery option too. Try not to shop online from public or official computers.
Keep your wallet safe: It’s very difficult to keep an eye on your wallet all the time but try doing so as wallet thieves are everywhere college, metro, office, buses, malls, etc. At work keep your wallet at a secure place.
Shred important documents: Shred all old bank statements and documents properly to prevent identity theft and safely dispose of confidential information.Also carry a photocopy of important documents rather than taking the originals out.