Here are 5 yoga steps you must follow daily

Yoga is probably the best exercise, its quick, cheap (all you need is a mat) and has no side effects. It has lots of benefits from keeping us young to de-stressing us, it helps in every way. Mental health or physical power it provides benefits for all. Our body needs exercise and yoga is the best as it helps to relax the body. Yoga consists of numerous Asanas each of which has their own benefits, this International yoga day team AWW has listed down 5 Asanas that you should do daily.

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations)
There are different types of variations in it and the sequence is called Salute to the Sun. There are seven major chakras, each of which helps you sense inner calm. Surya Namaskar is the best way to warm up your body and sync the movements of your body with the flow of breath. Check out more here

Parivrtta Utkatasana (Revolved Chair Pose)
It is one of the most popular poses of Yoga; it teaches you how to twist safely. This is the simplest pose for twisting. The twisting poses affect your digestive system and internal organs, which helps promote detoxification. It increases flexibility throughout the spine.
Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
It is the classic Yogasana. This should be the part of the regular exercise, it helps release your lower back, and expand your body and mind. It also powers up the core and legs. And the twist allows you to open up the heart space. It stimulates the function of blood throughout the body.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
If you don’t have much time in the morning, doing this one pose will wake up your whole body. It requires the involvement of the whole body, downward facing dog stretches back, legs and arms. You have to tuck your legs, lift your hips and look down at your thigh. This pose provides immense relaxation as it helps in decreasing anxiety.

Janu Sirsasana (head-to-Knee Forward Bend)
It is a part of primary yoga series. Standing poses are avoided, but this one is good for the morning. It stretches spine, shoulders, hamstrings, and groins. It stimulates the reproductive organs, therefore menstrual and menopause disorders are reduced. Practicing this Asana also reduces blood pressure.
So which is your favourite asan and why?