8 worst foods for weight loss

Avoid potatoes to lose weight
Avoid potatoes to lose weight/freedigitalphotos

Most women want to lose those last few kilos. Often diets are followed and many-a-time we decide to stop eating some foods and avoid some. While the golden rule for following any diet is ‘do not starve.’ Here is a list of food you must avoid for weight loss. We have also mentioned the alternatives you can have:

Soda (aerated drinks)

Soda and other fizzy drinks make you bloat by retaining water. They contain too many calories and extremely high amount of sugars.

  • Replace with good old water. Nothing is better at quenching your thirst than a glass of cold water.
  • Replace with whole meal bread, multi-grain roti (chappati) or multi grain biscuits.

Vegetable oil

Yes, vegetable oil is better than ghee but it is not healthy or the best solution when you are on a diet.

  • Replace vegetable oil with natural oils. Fry your vegetables in mustard oil for a tangy taste or switch to olive oil. PS Olive oil is an expensive alternative but you need only 1/3rd of your regular oil to cook in olive oil which makes it affordable in the long run.


We are hugely a potato-loving nation from aloo chat to aloo sabzi we make all our meals with some potato dishes in it. But these masala-fried, oil laden potatoes harm your diet.

If you love potatoes eat potatoes-baked or boiled once a week maximum.

White bread

White bread is made of maida (processed flour) and makes the digestive system sluggish by increasing sugar in the body. Same goes for foods which have maida as an ingredient like biscuits

Whole milk or cream

In India, especially North India, the stress over fresh cream and pure milk is high but full cream milk contains fat which is not required by the body. That dash of cream in your dal or chicken is a bad idea too.

Replace milk with a doubled toned variety. Try a few companies before deciding which fits your taste buds perfectly. Avoid food which contains cream.

Fruit juice

Most juices in the Indian market label themselves as ‘contains fruit’ but one quick glance at the label and you will be amazed at the amount of preservatives and sugar these juices contain. Also the sugar content is dangerously high.

Replace with freshly squeezed juice (if possible) or make some fresh lime water instead.

Breakfast cereal

Flakes in the morning are tasty and many of us think healthy. But have you ever checked the ingredients on the back of your favourite breakfast cereal? Most flakes (or cereals) are loaded with sugar and hidden fats which satisfy hunger immediately but make you hungry shortly.

Replace cereals with oats, dalia, poha or fresh upma.

Fast food

Fast food culture came a decade or two back and we Indians were hooked to junk food but studies have linked obesity directly to our consumption of fast food.

Replace with healthy fresh cooked meals or a subway sandwich.