Why Surya Namaskar is the best exercise
From yogis, to Bollywood stars everyone knows how important Yoga is. For the overall development of the body Sun Salutation is the best. This dynamic exercise constitutes of 12 yoga postures that helps in mental, spiritual, and physical satisfaction of the practitioner. It refreshes the whole body through stretching, toning, compressing and also helps to restore vitality, stress and depression. The main parts of the body that benefit from this wonderful module is digestive system, circulatory system, excretory system, endocrine system, skeleton system and nervous system. There are some super natural benefits that would compel you to do this module regularly and those are discussed for you.
Helps lose weight

Surya namaskar gives you a perfect cardiovascular workout which helps to lose weight, if done regularly and on a fast pace. The movement in the postures of Surya namskar improves your metabolism and stretches your muscles while these movements also helps to lessen pounds around your belly.
Malika Arora Khan loves her yoga Helps strengthen muscles and joints
Surya Namaskar is the best way to strengthen your muscle power, joints, ligaments as well as your skeletal system. Your body’s movements and the way you stretch helps to improve the flexibility of your spine.
Gives glowing skin
Sun salutation as we all know helps to regulate the blood circulation in the body. This indeed helps to bring back the glow on the face, prevents wrinkles, gives a flawless skin and makes the skin look ageless.
Better functioning of digestive system
Doing surya namskar helps in smooth functioning of the digestive system. It helps in better functioning of the intestines as the postures regulates the body and increases blood circulation in the digestive track. The forward bend pose helps to increase the abdomen space which further helps in releasing the trapped gas from your system.
Shlpa Shetty is a yoga follower Helps cope with insomnia
It is helpful for people suffering from insomnia. The sleeping patterns are improved by regular surya namskar and the asans help to keep the mind calm which helps in getting good sleeps at night. It ensures that you do not get prone to drugs by giving restful nights.
Insures regular menstrual cycle
Surya Salutation helps those women who suffer the problem of irregular menstrual cycle. It helps to regulate it and regular practice of these asans helps in easy childbirth.
Lowers the blood sugar level
This is important to regulate the blood sugar level of the body and helps to keep heart diseases at bay.
Keeps away anxiety
If you want to get rid of anxiety, this is the best way which should be practiced regularly. This improves memory and the nervous system and also normalizes the activity of endocrine glands, especially the thyroid glands. So, people suffering from thyroid should practice it daily to ensure good health.
Helps detox
This wonderful exercise helps to ventilate the lungs thoroughly and due to this the blood remains oxygenated. It helps in active inhalation and exhalation process which detoxifies one’s body by getting rid of carbon dioxide and other toxic gases.
Surya Namaskar Smooth Kidney functions
It speeds up the circulation of blood as its practice generally massages the kidneys and increases supply of blood. Regular salutation ensures better functioning of kidneys.
This exercise is considered the best for removing the stiffness from the body and also the best possible exercise which seeks healthy living. So this International Yoga Day start a healthy habit and try Surya Namaskar.