When somebody says “cake”, we typically imagine a round baked one decorated with fancy flowers and ribbons. Cute and pretty-looking designs are always pleasing but now the creative bakers have taken baking to another level by replicating anything in the form of cake. Nowadays a cake can be ugly too especially for a Halloween night. Team AAW salutes all the great bakers who are creating such ugly masterpieces.
Here are some of the most wonderfully creepy cakes which will make you think twice before eating them:
A photo posted by Chocolate Pink Creations (@chocolatepinkcreations) on
A photo posted by Sweet Delivery (@sweet.delivery) on
A photo posted by Sinn Style (@sinnstyle) on
A photo posted by Dom & Sue Ognibene (@sweetsweetsues) on
A photo posted by kelly (@baked_kellyscakes) on