5 beauty resolutions to keep this year

Here are 5 beauty inspirations to try this year


We all love to look updated and perfect. Often we all want to try new things but the comfort of that kohl eyes makes us stop trying out that fabled nude eye liner and mascara look. Know what I mean? I was scared of bright lipsticks till I hit 25 and a friend put on a dazzling red on my lips. Yes, it looked pretty but it also began my lipstick love. So treat yourself to a few new trends to have the best beautiful year ever!

Love your skin

The first way is to start loving your skin, wrinkles, freckles, acne it all. Go to a dermatologist and get your basic routine sorted. For there is nothing better than shiny healthy skin to make you feel beautiful.


Learn a new trend

Weather it is big brows, or dark lips, or winged liner try one beauty trend and try mixing up your makeup looks, to achieve a new look. The key is moderation but to look stunning. I learnt baking last year and while it looks good I’m still trying to perfect it.

Use some SPF

SPF is something we all tend to ignore but with the amount of sun our skin in India is exposed to its better to find a decent one. By decent we mean a good brand that works for you, is available. Follow this especially if the word skin cancer scares you as much as it scares us. Ohh, and the tanning is difficult to get rid of once it starts.


Makeup brushes/pixabay

Buy better brushes

This is one investment every makeup-ista should make. Quality makeup brushes mean quality looks too. A good makeup brush will make sure that the makeup sets and setlles. A good brush makes your skin glow and the makeup look perfect without lines. PS try to pick a few good budget sets over just one high end makeup brush. Our choice would be Sigma, real techniques and if you apply makeup often use MAC.

Try a daring hair cut or colour

A good cut makes a lot of difference on your face. It adds definition to your hair. An interesting hair colour makes a lot of difference too, I have experimented with reds, browns, and one unfortunate time blond too.