Here are some eye makeup looks that will make your eyes pop.
Makeup is an art and understanding colour palettes can make a major difference to the look. While deciding on eye makeup, the look should be planned considering the eye colour as the complementing tones will make it stand out.
Now the most obvious question, how to pick the right look? Here are some makeup looks that would work for particular eye colours. You can recreate these looks and even be creative with them. Take a look at them below.
Brown Eyes
Almost all colours suit brown eyes and warm, earthy tones look beautiful. Here is one look for you to recreate.
Blue eyes
The ocean blue eyes pop out and brown shimmers look great along with a hint of bronze. here is one look for you to try.
Hazel eyes
Hazel eyes look great with shades of purple, deep red and plum colours. Here is one look for you to try out.
Black eyes
Black eyes look great with every palate and you can make them pop with almost any look. Here is one to try.
These are some ideas to experiment with. Which look are you excited to try?