Here are some effective ways to deal with stress acne caused due to stress.
If you are someone who has dealt with acne in the past then you might understand that stress can be a trigger for acne. Some people may only breakout under stress and that can be a little difficult to deal with. Even with our demanding routines, we should not skip looking after our skin. Since all of us are at home for now due to coronavirus pandemic, it’s the best time to give ourselves a break and manage stress. Here is how you can deal with stress acne.

Topical creams
A quick way to bring your acne in control is by using topical creams like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These creams can be used for spot treatment. There are many medicated face washes available in the market that contain salicylic acid and you can switch it with your regular ones. If your skin has been breaking out uncontrollably then it is best to seek medical advice from a dermatologist and use the one prescribed by him/her.
Home remedies
There are a number of home remedies that you can rely on to effectively reduce your pimples. Hold a cube of ice over your skin so that the redness and itchiness go away. You can also make ice cubes using green tea for more relief. Using ice cubes works the best when you want to see quick results.
Stress management
If your acne is mainly triggered by stress then you should consider making some lifestyle changes. Practice yoga and mediation as it calms your mind. Change up your skincare routine if you feel like it’s not working out for you and learn to take a break from time to time.