The firangs take sun baths; apply bronzers to look a bit tanned! But inIndiathe opposite holds true. Look at the n number of anti-tanning products and you will get an idea. Sunlight is beneficial for the body but it creates havoc with the skin. The most common way to get ride of tan is to be regular with your sunscreen. Sunscreens do not offer complete relief from tanning but it surely protects the skin from harmful UV rays. Besides sunscreen there are many cosmetic treatments but most of them are high on bleach and chemicals, which in the long run are a bad idea.
Shun cosmetics and raid your kitchen for some easy tan removal formulas.
Tomato: Rub sliced tomato on the affected area and leave it for sometime. As it dries up, wash it with ice cold water.
Lemon Juice: Mix two teaspoons of milk powder, half teaspoon honey, few drops of lemon juice, and half a teaspoon of almond oil to make a fine paste. Apply this mixture on the face and neck. Allow it to dry for 15 minutes. After it dries, wash it with cold water.
Almonds: Make a paste of soaked almonds and milk. Apply it all over your face and neck. Leave it overnight and wash it the next morning with cold water.
Oats: Mix 2 tablespoon of oatmeal in ½ cup mashed ripe papaya and 1tsp honey. Apply and scrub it gently. Wash it off after 2 minutes.
Turmeric: Add a pinch of turmeric (haldi) to yogurt and apply on the face, neck and arms daily for 30 minutes before having a bath.
Aloe Vera: Aloe vera works wonders for all skin problems. Apply aloe vera gel on the effected area and wash it after 5 minutes.
Egg white: Use egg whites on the face and neck to get rid of the tan. Add honey if you have dry skin.
Sandalwood: Apply sandalwood paste and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash the face with cold water after it dries.
Buttermilk:Wash your face with Buttermilk regularly for a few days and your skin will get de-tanned and silky soft.
Rice and skinless split urad daal: Rice and skinless split urad daal mixture is nothing else but the dosa batter. Apply it on the affected area to fade the tan.
All these remedies won’t remove the bad tan instantly but will surely help lighten your skin over time.