Being pregnant changes a lot of things, and your skin is the first to change! From stretching to darkening many women experience an array of skin problems like irritation, dry skin, dark patches and stretch marks. A lucky few also get that so called glow!
But did you know most women do not register this skin change and keep their usual skin care regimen which could do more harm than good? Some creams are in fact banned for use in pregnancy and nursing?
While it’s true that some products don’t do what they’re advertised to do (umm.. fairness in 5 weeks kinds) but not applying them properly can also contribute to their not working. Some tips for applying products to your skin and getting most out of that pregnancy glow are:
Wash properly: Cleaning your skin improperly can lead to acne and non absorption of skin products Also in pregnancy most women tend to sweat a lot which creates a coating that bars the products from working. Clean skin helps absorb the active ingredients in those skin products.
Change to gentler products: Your skin becomes sensitive to chemicals and often many products become too drying for you. Switch to gentler products like a moisturizing soap, heavier cream (if you have drier skin now) and a new shampoo. Go out on a beauty shopping binge after all a new mom to be must look hot!
Apply softly: Your skin already is stretching and with the increased blood flow a bit sensitive and when you stretch the skin, or rub too hard this can cause irreparable damage. Take the product you use liberally or cover smaller areas and use short, firm strokes to massage it in gently.
Ace the test: Remember all creams mention a patch test? Well never done that before? But in pregnancy your skin can react to your favourite perfume let alone new harsher chemicals. The way out? Before using any new skin product, test some out on the skin on your inner wrist. Wait for 24 hours and if there is no reaction, then you will know you are not allergic to any of the ingredients.
Consider regular parlour runs: Taking care of your skin is no going to be easy as months progress, especially cleaning your feet, shaving your legs and under-legs area. Get your partner to help with the under-legs bit if you find bikini waxing scary. Consider regular clean-ups as you will no longer have the energy to spend half an hour cleaning your face.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that there are some ingredients in skin products and certain types of skin products which may be harmful to your baby and affect the lil’ ones growth! As such, you must avoid them. Check the labels to see if your products include:
Retinoids: They are a type of Vitamin A and found in some anti-aging, and wrinkle creams. Studies have discovered that high doses of Vitamin A can harm developing babies, and oral retinoids such as Accutane, an acne medicine, taken by pregnant women have caused birth defects.
Salicylic Acid: This mild acid that is found in many skin products especially in acne creams. High doses of salicylic acid taken orally (a.k.a. aspirin) have been shown to cause birth defects and complications during pregnancy.
Soy: Abundantly used in skin care products these days. Many say it is relatively safe but if you have (or have developed) dark patches known as dark skin or melasma, it can make these worse.
Acne Products: Most acne products contain 2 per cent or less salicylic acid from a face wash to creams. Some makeup also contains salicylic acid.