The sizzling hot Indian summers are unbearable to the skin which even leads to allergies, sun burns and sun tans. But with few simple tips and trick you can get sun safe skin. Read on to know
Choose the right sunscreen: Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen, which will block both UVA and UVB rays, with an SPF of at least 30. Pick Neutrogena SPF 50, or Lotus.
Maximize coverage: Sunscreen must cover your entire body. Don’t be lazy while application make sure you cover your entire body. Some often-overlooked areas: the tops of the ears, underarms, between toes.
Reapply: Reapply is the key. Apply sunscreen every two hours and whenever you get out from water.
Wear glares: Harmful rays can damage your eyesight, so wear sunglasses. Use quality lenses that protect against UVA and UVB rays.
Treat sunburns immediately: If the skin is peeling, moisturize. For immediate pain relief, take an anti-inflammatory medication. Aloe-vera works really well or use a soothing gel.