Look bright and fresh when you feel sleepy
The lazy season of the month,ie: winters is about to begin. During winters its really difficult to get up early morning and especially if you have a little one who wakes you up in the night twice or thrice. Whether you are a housewife or a working you have to look after your baby, house and other work too because of which you are short on sleep and get dark under eyes and look tired and pale.

To solve your problem, Team AAW tells you some hacks with which you can look awake and fresh even after a night of no sleep.
Take a bath: In winters its difficult to wake up in the morning and we all tempted to skip the shower altogether for a few extra minutes of sleep. Avoid doing this as taking a shower is a great way to wake up in the morning and look fresh.
Hydrate: If you know you will have a long night ahead better apply a eye cream to keep your eyes hydrated. Too busy to apply night cream at night ? No worries, just apply your night cream under eyes in the morning. Also if your eye cream contains caffeine it will help decrease the puffiness and temporarily tighten the entire area.

Color corrector: Have to go to a party but suffering from dark under eyes due to disturbed sleeping patterns than opt for a color corrector before using a concealer. Don’t use a heavy concealer as it might look cakey and go for corrector instead to brighten up your under eye area.
Use highlighter: After you are done highlighting the high points of your face , use a little highlighter to the inner corner of your eye will brighten your eyes and make them pop.
Bright lipcolour: A bright lip shade like red, pinks , maroons will brighten up your face instantly so avoid using nudes as they will make you look pale.

Have coffee: Grab your cup of caffeine in the morning and get some energy for the day. Avoid both caffeine and alcohol before bedtime as they are extremely dehydrating.
Line Your Lower Lashes: To make your eyes look bigger and brighter use a nude or white eyeliner instead of black.
Build Up Your Brows: Softly arched brows make your eyelids look lifted, and draw attention up and away from under eye puffiness and dark circles.