Alexa bleeps out a word from Bollywood classic song

Check out the reactions of people after Alexa beeps out ***kar from Abhi na Jao chhodkar song:

Words that have different meanings but the same spelling are Homonyms words. In our everyday life we came across many such words, and sometimes we assume it to be the other one word but in reality, the used word was the different one. One such incident happened recently.

Alexa virtual assistant developed by Amazon has been censoring the word Chhod in text and audio form the song Abhi na jao chodkar. Whenever it is asked to play any song title containing such words it bleeps out the word. And this virtual assistant can’t be blamed for getting confused with the Hindi word Chood?

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This hilarious incident was highlighted by a Dubai based Twitter user Rohit Bharat. Amused by the particular edit of this word the boy tweeted:

He noticed the self-censorship when he asked Alexa to play Abhi Na Jao Chhodkar, a Bollywood classic song which is sung by Asha Bhosle and Mohammed Rafi. Stunned at his finding, Bharati tagged Saavn on Twitter in mock protest.


Saavn replied:


After this, he tried to play multiple songs containing this word but the results were same.

The tweet became viral and people started commenting on it: