If sources are believed The ‘Student of the Year’ actress Alia Bhat is said to be throwing cold vibes at the Bhatt camp actress Esha Gupta. The actress was spotted giving cold stares to the ‘Raaz 3’ star at a recent photo shoot where many new comers were present.
According to the rumours Alia Bhatt is very possessive about her co-star Siddharth Malhotra and both he and Esha were bonding with each other at the do which didn’t go down well with Alia.
Alia, we understand that you are good friends with Siddharth but let him make some other friends too from the industry. Being too much possessive is wrong ( is she just being a possessive friend or a jealous girlfriend?). Also Esha was launched by your father and such behaviour at public event is incorrect.