In an interview to a national daily Suraj Pancholi opened about his relationship with Nafisa Khan and his 23 days ordeal in jail. Son of Aditya Pancholi and Zarina Wahab, Suraj Pancholi told in the interview that he was kept in the ‘unda cell’ with two older non-criminal men . It’s a large secure egg-shaped cell with seven sub-cells and anyone in each of these cells can see others within the undacell.
He added that he was not allowed to step out of the cell and was served food inside . The actor also told about the bad conditions inside the Arthur Road Jail..
Talking about his relationship with Nafisa Khan whom he met through a social networking site ,the actor said that she was a really nice person, quiet, caring but very possessive. He further added that everything in his house reminds him of her and he doesn’t mind if his name is associated with her all his life as he is still connected with her.