Questions are now being raised on the authenticity of Jiah Khan’s suicide note as the writing of Jiah Khan’s suicide handed over by her mother does not match the letters received at Suraj Pancholi’s residence.
Both the letters have portrayed Jiah as the much-in-love girlfriend but the letter that was found at Suraj’s Juhu residence was signed ‘Nafisa’ (Jiah’s real name) and the note handed over by Rabiya was unsigned.
This has raised many eyebrows prompting the police to send the letter to forensic lab test.In an interview with a national daily Suraj’a mother Zarina said, “Yes, I am aware that the handwritings look different in the two sets. I think Rabia did not account for the fact that her daughter wrote love letters to my son. She was living under the impression that she only called and texted him. The truth will be out very soon.”
While Jiah’s mother took to social media to state: “I am going on a spiritual retreat to connect myself with my daughter…I am still with you, I will respond to your tweets when I return. Nirmal I think wo bhag raha hai after letter disclosure!”
She also added” @jiahkhan I wish baby you confessed his misbehaviour he was not worth your loyalty, beauty and spirituality that you let him bruise you.”