Here is what people have to say about taking a long-distance train journey.
We all have taken a train journey to places with our families and some of these trips have been memorable. Train journeys are spent playing games, eating homemade snacks, befriending strangers, and getting to spend more time with the family.
Since flights have become cheaper over the years, many children have not traveled via trains for a longer distance. This Twitter thread discusses that and people were asked to share their beloved memories of the time they traveled by train. Take a look at the tweets below:
As flights have gotten cheaper in the last decade, there is an entire generation of kids who have never spent 2 nights in a long distance train.
They’ll never know what it feels like to make friends across age, cultures, religions, & languages – that too in a matter of mins. 1/
— Hamza Lakdawala (@hamzamlakdawala) December 5, 2020
They won’t know what a spontaneous dabba party feels like with a stranger; where you exchange little food with each other & speak about your family & life.
They’ll never get to hear stories from a stranger’s dada-dadi/nana-nani. They won’t be bhaiya/didi to someone for an hour.
— Hamza Lakdawala (@hamzamlakdawala) December 5, 2020
Sure, we all have some bad memories about traveling by train. But tell me, will you ever enjoy as much in a flight?
— Hamza Lakdawala (@hamzamlakdawala) December 5, 2020
Yes. Long distance train journeys are the best part of travelling. One of the best memories from my childhood…The food at different stations…#Jabalpur #Mughalsarai #IndianRailways
— Marisha (@marishadolly) December 6, 2020
Train journeys were the most favourite part in school/hostel days. During winter and summer breaks we would take utkal from Gwalior to my hometown. Would walk through all the dabbas to see how many scindians were there, many became friends in train instead of school.😄
— puja sharma (@puja1710) December 6, 2020
My last train ride was a school trip in Xth grade. We went from Delhi to Bangalore! 2 nights, 3 days. We had the best time! We even celebrated our friend’s birthday. Priceless memories ❤️
— Afreen (@Afreenalam_) December 5, 2020
Love train journeys. Even took a night train once when holidaying in Egypt, and the old world charm and romance was unforgettable. I think it’s more to do with time getting more expensive rather than just flights getting cheaper. With shorter vacations, trains not an option.
— Leena Sharma (@Lesharma7) December 6, 2020
some of my fondest memories are playing cards with complete strangers, using the train blanket as a base.
train journeys > flights— del rey (@sahboihours) December 6, 2020
Honestly? I would prefer a 12h train journey over a 2h flight journey most of the times.
Trains just feel a lot more human?
— Nitesh Agarwal (@asperised) December 6, 2020
Which is your favorite memory of a train journey?