Porn star turned Bollywod actress Sunny Leone is trying hard to shed her sexy image and woo her fans. The actress was seen performing early morning aarti at the famous Siddhi vinayak Temple in South Mumbai. Sunny along with Ekta went to the temple before starting to shoot their new film, “Miss Ekta Kapoor & I will perform the auspicious kakad aarti@ siddhi vinayak temple tom @5am. Tomorrow marks the 1st day of shoot-RAGINI MMS 2”, Sunny wrote on a micro- blogging site.
According to reports Sunny’s new mentor Ekta Kapoor who is an ardent devotee of the temple’s deity and believes in taking his blessing before beginning new projects. It was a new experience for Sunny because has never been to a Hindu temple before and usually prays alone to seek blessings from her parents.
Well, Ekta what a brilliant idea to seek blessings and improve Sunny Leone’s image