Rani Mukherji was seen enjoying Durga Puja recently and her colour-blocked look was interesting and made Indian ethnic wear look different. Rani loves her saris but this time around she styled her saree according to international colour blocking trend. Here’s how to style your saree Rani Mukherji’s way:
Saree: Rani wore a beautiful silk saree with contrasting colour blocked and multiple borders. The soft beige offset the red and pink beautifully. To get this look wear any silk saree with one or more border.
Blouse: Wear a blouse contrasting the saree but matching the border, this adds a visual element to the look. Rani wears a deep neck, cut sleeves red blouse. You can style your according to your saree.
Jewellery: Rani Mukherji went on a gold overload for the festivities. She wore solid temple jewellery. Heavy earrings, long gold necklace and many gold karas completed her look. If you do not feel comfortable in so much bling let your bangles and necklace do all the talking.
Makeup:Rani kept her makeup simple with lots of kohl on her upper and lower lids. Interestingly Rani Mukherji colour blocked her make-up by matching her bindi to the red border and a soft pink lipstick to match the other border! We loved it.
Hair: Rani kept her hair simple and straight to let her jewellery and clothes do the talking.