5 different styles to rock the cold shoulder

How to wear the cold shoulder trend this season

cold shoulder sweater
cold shoulder sweater


The dynamic world of fashion is never constant, trends change quicker than the weather. You can see so many new ideas and styles coming in and we fall in love with each one of them. Right now the hottest trend is the cold shoulder cut style.

Cold shoulder trend
Cold shoulder trend

What is cold shoulder?

A cold shoulder is an outfit where the cloth from the shoulder region is cut. Hence, literally making your shoulders cold. This was people could talk this summer. There is no outfit that cannot be worn as a cold shoulder.

So we at AWW tell you 5 ways in which you can wear a cold shoulder and look fabulous.

  • Top:

This is the most common form in which you can wear a cold shoulder. There are a hundred different types of tops available in the market. Every store in the world has at least 10 different cold shoulder tops. These can be paired with jeans, jeggings, ripped jeans, palazzos, etc.

Parineeti dons a cold shoulder top
Parineeti dons a cold shoulder top

Parineeti Chopra

  • Dresses:

This is another way to rock the new style. Now a days the trend is for the denim dress with the cold shoulder cut. All celebrities have been wearing this look. Then you also have dresses in different prints with a cold shoulder.

Deepika Padukone in a cold shoulder dress
Deepika Padukone in a cold shoulder dress

Deepika Padukone

  • Jumpsuit:

Another outfit which with a cold shoulder looks amazing. Actresses in Bollywood as well as Hollywood have been walking red carpet looking flawless in this style.


Cold shoulder jumpsuit

  • Blouse:

The new trend that is catching up is wearing the cold shoulder style in a saree blouse. Manish Malhotra at the Lakme fashion week 2016 had showcased some beautiful cold shoulder blouses.


Manish Malhotra at Lakme fashion week 2016

  • Kurta:

Most of the Indian outfits are also getting inspiration from this style. Designers have come up with embroided kurtas that look stunning.


Cold shoulder kurta


So we hope you do try the cold shoulder in any of the above outfits you like. The cut looks amazing in almost every outfit. Have you tried the cold shoulder trend yet?