Pack those woolens well!

Come change of seasons and we want to shed those heavy winter clothes. The warm snuggly coats now seem annoying and it is time for that winter kilos to sadly show in thinner clothes. I usually pack my winter clothes in a very organized manner. Here is how to store the winter clothes perfectly:
Clean them
First I send all the dry cleaning clothes at least a week prior to packing, so they arrive before I pack. Next I wash the home washable ones in liquid fabric conditioner and make sure I wash them in small loads.
Sort them
Sort the pile to be thrown out and do not keep them until the next season. Donate the old clothes to a needy. Sorth them in bundles of thick sweaters, coats, dresses, thin sweaters, jackets. Sorting in piles makes it easy to find the right clothes whenever you might need them. I keep the light cardigans out in case of nippy evenings.

Pack them
Packing is the most difficult task. For pure woolens and cashmere pack in an old sheet or muslin dupatta. Pack according to your usual way. Luggage bags, storage beds, almirahs or whatever is your usual storage style.
Safeguard them
Moth balls are so outdated plus their risk of being picked up by children scares me. So here are a few natural ways to protect those woolies from moths and getting spoiled. Add some neem or mint leaves periodically. Place them in a thin ply tissue paper to avoid staining. You can also keep some lavender oil dipped cotton balls in the

Pack the accessories too
From scarves to gloves to boots, I’m a big winter accessory hoarder (not necessarily a user) but cleaning the dust off the boots and washing those scarves or shawls is a must before you pack. Carefully pack all the boots or suede based shoes in a brown paper.