How often do you think about your looks and image? We all tend to think about picture perfect looks and a positive image in today’s world. But we do not know how to go ahead and get that perfection so we met up with personal Image coach & corporate trainer, Suhasini Ahluwalia Mehta about how she can help.
1. What exactly does an image consultant help with?
An Image Consultant believes that each person has an individual style, a characteristic and a personality. The Image Consultant studies different roles in a person’s life, understands their short term and long term goals, their lifestyle and their personality and develops and recommends changes in dressing, grooming, etiquette, body language, voice techniques as well as other soft but critical life skills.
An image consultant brings out the best in you to create a great impression. Image Consultants can therefore offer the kind of advice that can help people land a job, get a promotion, or just feel good about themselves. They may recommend wearing different colours or different styles, shop for a new wardrobe and put together incredible outfits. They may also advise a change of hairstyle, makeup or grooming. Image Consultants can work closely with fashion designers and selected boutiques to develop ensembles made specifically for the client. They alsoadvise people on their vocal communication (voice, grammar, vocabulary, etc.), non-verbal communication (handshakes, posture, eye contact, etc.) and etiquette – from dining to cell phones
2. In this competitive world our images play a bigger role. How to act or come across as positive?
Impressions and perceptions about us are formed unconsciously whether we want/like it or not. This more true today than it ever was. There is an overload of media with brands and people vying for attention especially with social media. What if you controlled the impressions and perceptions being formed about you? An Image Consultant helps you with sending just the right messages via your communication. Your dressing, grooming, etiquette as well as body language, verbal and written communication – just about everything about you conveys some message about you. They all need to be in sync.
Due to our hectic lifestyles, we don’t have enough time to stop and think. More importantly everything and everyone else becomes more important to us and we stop caring about ourselves. If we paid some attention to ourselves by caring for ourselves – better appearance, better behaviour, better communication, better self talk, we will be able to be project a more positive image.
Keep a good balance between your mind, body and spirit. Never let one outweigh the other. Wear clothing that reflects the true you. Set reasonable and achievable targets and be excellent at it. Don’t hold grudges and don’t procrastinate — do it now. Don’t be afraid to say “no”. Smile and the world will smile with you.
3. With the constant Facebook, Instagram updates do you think our image is already pre-made or preconceived today?
With or without social media, people form an image/perception about us. It would be better if we controlled these perceptions by regulating what we put out for the public to see/hear/read about us.
4. How to come across as a better person professionally and personally?
Do unto others as you would want from them. It all depends on your attitudeand your image of yourself. If you have a positive image about yourself, most of your interactions will be positive. Instead of expecting, if we learn to be more accepting and forgiving of other people, it will change things for us. Any change has to be within ourselves. I believe self talk can make a big differenceto our attitude towards life. If we can learn to regulate our self- talk, we can change our life.
As for coming across as a better person – it again comes down to the finer points of our personality – our style – of dressing, etiquette, communication, attitude.
5. How can every girl holistically improve their self-confidence?
Be body image positive and stop comparing your body image to others. Love yourself and accept others. Self confidence comes from accepting who you are and a willingness to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. I learnt to be more self confident by these and by setting goals for myself and achieving them. Even if I didn’t achieve them, I would have other options on my list and keep persevering.
6. Which is that one big mistake most women or girls make?
Most women copy styles from fashionistas or movie stars or others. They want to be like someone else. Not everything works on everyone. It should be more about who you are and projecting your own style.
7. How did your journey as an image consultant start?
I have always been interested in self improvement as a young girl and like setting goals and learning new skills. I had joined a finishing school after college and have been very interested in the elements that go into presenting oneself well. In my career as a PR consultant, these finer points helped me a lot. When I came across this intensive course in Image Management from Image Consulting Business Institute, I was immediately interested. The course material has been developed by Judith Rasband, Director of Conselle Institute of Image Management and a Certified Image Master, one of the first awarded the achievement and one of the only eight globally.
8. Do you think people have become self-obsessed in our selfie generation?
I take it as a positive. People take the effort to dress up well, put on makeup, pose and take selfies. In fact, even though there is room for improvement, as a country and people, we are more aware today, of dressing well and presenting ourselves better. We are globetrotting – working, travelling, interacting with other people across the world and have become more conscious of the need to be presentable including having the right etiquette.
- 9. One quick tip for the following:
- Tired new mother – take care of your health and good looks too
- First day at college – Be yourself and you will find friends who you will cherish for a long time. Don’t pretend to be like someone else.
- First meeting for arranged marriage—be yourself and meet the person like a newly introduced friend
- First interview – be self confident
- First date – don’t be a show-off
10. How does one follow your footsteps if they want to become an image consultant? Is it a career choice today’s generation can follow?
Being an Image Consultant can be a good career choice –especially if you want to start on your own. You could be a full time or even part time Image Consultant. Within Image Consultancy too, you can specialize in an area of your interest – like etiquette, make-up, styling, color, soft skills, etc