Two latest studies in the US and France say that Vitamin D protects women’s mental health. A study conducted on almost 7,000 women, at the VA Medical Centre in Minneapolis, say that women who take less than 50 mg vitamin D have a increased risk for Alzheimer’s or dementia later in life.
High levels of vitamin D also prevent osteoporosis and tooth decaying. Before popping a pill for Vitamin D here are 5 ways to up your Vitamin D consumption:
Give me some sunshine: Vitamin D is also called sunshine vitamin. The best way to get a high dose of Vitamin D is to stand in the sun (walk, run, talk or sit) for 20 minutes daily. Scared of tanning yourself? Early morning (before 9) or late evening (after 4) sunshine cannot tan you horribly.
Ande ka funda: One egg contains almost 10% of your daily Vitamin D needs. Boil an egg or enjoy a hearty omelette for breakfast.
Cod liver oil: The golden (and stinky!) oil is rich in Vitamin D. If the oil is not available locally buy a bottle of capsules. Old people and women must take a tablet of cod liver oil daily. A tablet meets the required daily intake of Vitamin D.
Fish: Fish survives on plankton which feeds on Vitamin D to thrive. Some fish like salmon and sardines can meet upto 70% of your Vitamin D needs in one portion.
Ricotta Cheese: Ricotta cheese has the highest content of Vitamin D in cheeses. Add some ricotta to your deserts or salads.
Mushrooms: Mushrooms contain Vitamin D. But some mushrooms which have been dried for preserving contain as much as 30% more Vitamin D. Dried mushrooms are available at premier vegetable stores in most metros.
Soy Products (Tofu and Soy Milk): Fortified soy products are fortified with both vitamin D and calcium.
Milk: Fortified milk has about one-fifth a day’s worth of Vitamin D. Whole milk has more Vitamin D than skim does.
Salami, Ham, and Sausages: Salami, Ham, and Sausages are a good source of vitamin b12, and copper. Unfortunately, they are also high in cholesterol and sodium and hence should be consumed in limited quantities.