Monday is the first and worst day of the week. For most of us it is depressing working day which makes you sad. Getting up early in the morning and rushing to work, getting stuck in traffic is a task especially after a relaxed, fun-filled weekend. “Every Monday I want to quit my job and sit at home and relax”, says Raveena Bhargav, a marketing manager with an MNC. It’s not only about her; science has also proven that Monday morning blues do exist.
Here are a few ways to make Mondays easier and beat the blues.
Talk to an old friend: Ring up an old friend and rewind the good time spent together. Gossiping is the best stress buster, so bitch about a college enemy, boss or an annoying colleague.
Favorite breakfast: Treat your taste buds to a yummylious breakfast in the morning. Having your favorite food in the morning can uplift the mood. And yes, you are allowed some desserts and chocolates too!
Wear your best: Pick up your favorite dress or color for Monday morning. Clothes do affect the way you feel about yourself so avoid dull colours and wear bright ones for that feel good factor.
Plan something special: Plan something exciting for the evening such as family get-together, meeting friends, a romantic dinner, shopping, or a special dish. This special thing will surely keep the day going.
Arrange your things a night before: Arrange all the things you need for Monday on the night before to avoid losing them. Keep your bag, clothes, footwear and important office documents organized so that you don’t waste your time and energy looking for them early Monday morning.
Start early: Wake up a little early to avoid the madding morning hustle-bustle. Waking up earlier gives you extra time to get ready at a non-rushed pace. Take a long luxurious shower, read the newspaper or greet the sun to start your day in a good way.
Relax on the weekend: Enjoy a relaxed weekend lazing around by watching TV, sleeping, and playing your favorite video games to beat the week’s stress. But make sure you accomplish some pending tasks so that on Monday, you aren’t wondering where all that time went and why you enjoy the weekend without finishing any chores.
Watch your diet: The weekend is the best time to party and meet friends but in this excitement don’t over-stuff yourself. Keep a check on the junk food and alcohol consumption because a bad stomach or a hangover will make you crankier and tired which will double up those Monday blues.