Recently, anxiety has become one of the most common mental health issues in the world. Millions of people are getting affected due to this illness. In simple words, anxiety is fearing or worry of the future. As humans we have the skill of anticipating the future, and this is what makes us more evolved than other species. But sometimes, just concentrating on the future can make us anxious.
The most common time of the day when a person might be hit by anxiety is during the night. At this time, all the bad thoughts rise and conquer our minds.
If you also suffer from anxiety, don’t worry as every problem has a solution so here are a few steps that might help you deal with this issue.
Find the root cause of your anxiety. Anxiety is an illness that feeds on itself. If you let negative thoughts enter your head, they will drive you crazy. First step is to learn what makes you anxious? In order to reveal the main culprit, maintain a journal. Soon you will see a pattern and will know what triggers anxiety in your head.

Eat well. Try and consume a well-balanced diet. You should never skip a meal; no matter what the situation, always eat something. Always have some a healthy snack that can also help you boost your energy.

Just Breathe or start meditation. This is the most conventional way to deal with anxiety. All you need to do is take a deep breath and then slowly exhale. If you face regular attacks, then you should start meditating. This can help you to sleep at peace. You can use the techniques whenever you feel the need.

Keep yourself indulged in something. The best way to fight anxiety is to stop thinking about it. This can be done by getting involved in something or the other. Keep yourself busy in different activities.
Try the natural approach. There are a numerous home remedies that you can help you with anxiety issues. Now a days there are different types of herbal teas available in the market which will help you diminish irritability and give you a good night’s sleep. You can get flavors like lavender, chamomile and many more.

Limit your alcohol and caffeine consumption. Studies have shown that caffeine can trigger panic attacks. It can also cause asymmetrical heartbeats, uneasiness and nervousness. The same goes with alcohol.

Try and talk to someone. Sometimes the best way to take it out of your head is to speak it out. Talk to someone you trust and know can help, friends or family; whoever understand you best.
In the end all you need to remember is that you should stop worrying about things that are yet to happen. Don’t let the past haunt you and the future scare you; just enjoy and live the present.