Weekends mean drinking, clubbing, eating sessions for most career women. Our inner Carrie Bradshaw loves cosmopolitans and the liberation alcohol provides. But recent studies show more and more Indian women are becoming addicted to alcohol. This addiction is giving rise to depression, stress and at times, suicides!
A few things that have changed over the years is the perception of society about alcohol. From being a taboo to a social must have. Many women have succumbed to drinking due to this ‘social’ pressure. A study by Lancet in 2009 says India has one of the least number of people who consume alcohol in the world but the problem is that many are chronic alcoholics.
Here are 5 reasons why women pick up that glass of drink that they shouldn’t
Alcohol seen as a social must: Yes it gives you a high and you are happy/ blissfully oblivious of the world around you. But a social/official gathering doesn’t always mean binge drinking. Some people expect women to drink like men but it is your choice and you should know where to say no.
Teetotalers seen as ‘weird/outdated’ by friends: Peer pressure has always been the number one reason to pick that bottle of beer. Many schoolgirls drink to impress their fellow students. This often includes posting pictures with a bottle of beer or a glass of wine on social networking sites. Alcohol can never be cool, enjoying without substance abuse is.
Men also expect wife to drink: This trend in urban India is slowly paving its way to rural middle class families too. Couples often drink/binge drink to relax and enjoy the weekend. This relaxing on weekend becomes unwinding on weekdays and soon classifies as a habit in many women. Break any such drinking trends and try to abstain from alcohol every alternate month.
Women cannot absorb alcohol: The female anatomy cannot absorb alcohol as quickly as men. Hence we have terrible hangovers! A drink or two once in a while is not the issue. But binge drinking is worse because the body gets an alcoholic shock, which often leads to hormonal changes.
No help: Many women are scared to approach others for help. This pushes them further into alcoholism. If you feel the need confide in your family and tell them you need help.
At AAW we understand that a drink or two is fun and helps you loosen up. But making it a habit can prove extremely dangerous and lead to severe depression. The best way is to practise moderation.