Facebook has become an important part of everyone’s life and especially teenagers and adolescence but a study claims that teenage girls who spend hours flicking through photos on Facebook are more likely to have body image problems that could lead to eating disorders.
It is not about the time spent posting updates but the problem is the time spent looking at others album looking at their dresses, pictures including selfies.
The more young girls look at photos on Facebook, the more likely they are to think of themselves as too fat or as having the wrong body shape which in turn leads to body image problems which can result in anorexia and other eating disorders,
The researchers analysed the Facebook use of 103 adolescent girls along with their answers to a psychological questionnaire specifically designed to test their body image satisfaction. After which they concluded that there was a correlation between spending a large proportion of that time looking photographs and body image problems.
Looking at others pictures leave them dissatisfied with their own size and shape, even if they are

healthy and fit. We at AAW shared this research with few teenagers and the replies were very shocking and amusing. “I found my cousin from Canada on facebook and on checking out her pictures I was really depressed to see that she has turned into a hot babe. After seeing her I started dieting and gymming,” says a 15 year-old Priyanka Tandon.
Another girl on basis on anonymity said that “I deleted few friends of mine from facebook because I used to feel jealous after looking at their sexy pics”
Do also feel that looking at others pictures on facebook really affects you?
Do share your opinions and comments with us.