Swati Singh dropped 15 kilos in 3 months for her sisters wedding. But right after the wedding she was clueless on how to stop the kilos from creeping back. Much like Swati many Indian women after working out, dieting for a few months manage to slim down. But then comes the important part: maintaining it. Indian women frequently extreme diet or gym, especially before a big wedding, but maintenance is always a task.
Well, scientists have finally found the staying slim mantra! According to a recent study at the European Congress on Obesity the trick is to cut down 300 calories from your daily diet.
Here are common things to avoid and substitute; and never gain back those kilos. On an average decreasing 300 calories from your diet means just three less chappatis!
Substitute the oil: Ghee and butter are the number one reason Indian women pile those kilos. Substitute it with olive or canola oil.
No cookies: One cookie with tea or coffee equals about 100 calories (and this is about the non cream variants) and that too in sugar. Do not have cookies or try fiber rich and no sugar options like Digestives.
Diet coke: Yes diet coke is harmful but when in need of cola opts for the diet variety. A can of diet coke has some 1.3 calories as compared to about 142 calories.
Exercise: The only way to maintain that weight loss is exercising. If you do not want to hit the gym, try some sport.
Fiber rich food: Fiber rich food like apples and sprouts make you feel fuller quickly and decrease your calorie intake.