Honestly if anyone told me to get a colouring book and paint would distress me I would have laughed. But I did try the rage called, ‘mandala’. And wow it does distress you.
What is Mandala?
Mandala is a Sanskrit word that means a circle, and metaphorically also a universe, environment or community. Since centuries, in many cultures (eg Tibet), the Mandala is used as a tool to facilitate meditation.

Why colouring books for adults?
Mr. Samir Khandwala, Founder & CEO-iMusti.com, whose app for these colouring books is a huge hit, says, “Adult coloring books have gained a lot of popularity recently & are being used as a stress-buster for adults. Researchers vouch that apart from being an interesting activity, it has calming benefits too. The patterns in these coloring books are quite amusing and help you to escape from the tiring, mundane routine work to something that is fun and soothing. It is a great break from the boredom and leaves you feeling refreshed. The adult coloring books are already a rage in US & Western Europe & are now foraying in India. iMusti currently has more than 100 titles on adult coloring books making it the largest collection available and we further plan to expand the titles especially for the Indian market. The users can also buy our titles on all key ecommerce websites including Amazon, Flipkart & Snapdeal. We are happy to provide content that is different, engaging and refreshing.”
What do you use to colour them?
I tried crayons, too messy. Pencil colours or the new Camlin brush pens work best for me.
Can you finish one whole Mandala in one time?
Honestly the idea is to destress and enjoy yourself. So pick the book and start. Stop when you feel refreshed. Pressurizing yourself to finish one I not going to help.