Mumbai people are always in a hurry. A recent study reveals that people living in Mumbai tend to skip breakfast more often than people living anywhere else in India.
In fact the study found that one in four people in Indian metros skip breakfast. Many skip because of lack of time and others to diet. Though in Mumbai, lack of time is the number one reason to skip breakfast as most of them spend most time commuting to work.
The study also found that more women and girls skip breakfast. About 18 per cent women and only a 4 percent men skip breakfast. It was also found that teens skip breakfast more often.
The study was conducted in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai and showed that only 3 per cent of individuals consider breakfast essential. And about 34 per cent Mumbaikars skip breakfast.
The study sponsored by a cereal maker found 27% of all urban people skip breakfast. And about 75% of them have inadequate breakfast.