Seven wonders of the kitchen


Spices are the most essential thing in cooking as it adds colour, flavour and taste to the food.  Consumption of spices is not only important to enjoy a flavour-some food but also for a healthy living. AAW lists the health benefits of the most common spices available in the Indian kitchen.

Asafoetida: Commonly known as ‘Hing’ in hindi, it has anti-inflammatory properties and is an anti-oxidant agent. Besides giving quick relief from gas, pain and for digestion it is helpful for women with menstrual issues like menstrual cramps, irregular periods, and pain. It also helps lower blood pressure.

Coriander powder: It is a good source of magnesium, iron and dietary fibers.  It has anti-inflammatory properties that hat can provide relieve from arthritis.  Besides this it also protects against urinary tract infections and prevents nausea.


Chilli powder: The hot and spicy chilli powder is a storehouse of Vitamin A and C and thus helps strengthen your immune system, heal injuries, maintain the health of your bones, teeth, skin, internal membranes and the reproductive systems.

Cumin seeds: The presence of antiseptic properties in them aids in curing common colds. They also boost the power of the liver to flush out toxins from the body, prevent diarrhoea, nausea and morning sickness.

Black pepper: The antibacterial properties make it an effective remedy for respiratory conditions including colds, cough and congestion. Adding back pepper in the food boosts metabolism thus help fight obesity. Its benefits don’t end here, this black coloured spice also improves dental health, helps fight tooth decay and provides relief from toothache.

Salt: Salt is very essential for a healthy living. It plays a role in water retention, muscle contraction and helps break down the food. It also prevents sunstroke.

Turmeric: Besides making the skin clearer turmeric paste also cures ringworm, bruising, leech bites, inflammatory skin conditions, soreness inside of the mouth, and infected wounds. It also reduces the risk of blood clots and prevents the build-up of plaque in the arteries.  Some studies have shown that it is known to prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s.