The science behind a bad Mood

Do you ever feel like killing everyone who tries to talk to you? You just hate everything around you? Well sometimes this is normal, but if you get cranky and moody quite often, then there are some particular reason to it.

Team AAW tells you the scientifically proven reasons and solutions to them. This will help you understand the reason behind your mood swings

  1. Your crazy hormones:

Notice if your mood swings are neared to your monthly menstrual cycle. If you become cranky at the same time every month, then you can blame your hormones for that. When women get closer to getting their monthly period, their ovaries produce Estrogen and Progesterone hormones. A week before your periods, the level of these hormones shoot up and then abruptly drop. This is what activates your crabbiness. This fluctuation can also cause PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

Solution: studies have shown that omega-3s is a good defense against PMS and sulkiness. You can take a 600mg of DHA omega-3s.

  1. Dieting or starving yourself:

You brain requires glucose for perfect functioning and energy. If you starve yourself or not eat properly, then this will lead to crankiness, irritableness, and laziness. This will in turn make it difficult for you to concentrate on your work.

Solution: You should have proper and healthy meals and also have healthy snacks after every 2 hours. This will prevent low blood sugar.

  1. Caffeine:

Everyone loves their coffee more than anything. But did you know that too much caffeine can cause anxiety, moodiness and headaches. Caffeine excites the brain and gets you addicted to it.

Solution: Don’t fall in this trap. One should not consume more than 2 cups a day of any caffeinated beverage.

  1. Bedroom:

The connection between sleep and mood is not a secret. One can still be cranky even if they hit the bed early. Studies have shown small things like the glow from your television or the light from your alarm clock can irritate you and increase depression. These lights may lower the production of melatonin hormone. This in turn will disturb your sleeping patterns.

Solution: Make sure you turn off all the lights before going to bed.

  1. Your diet:

Well food plays a major role in altering your mood. If you include foods rich in saturated and trans fats it can increase your chances of going into depression. These foods can negatively affect your thoughts as well. They also affect the connection between your brain cells and make you crankier.

Solution: Include foods rich in minerals and vitamins in your diet. Fast food may taste good but leave you with no energy and in a nasty mood.

  1. Your thyroid:

The thyroid gland in the body produces the hormone that helps your metabolism to normalize. Hypothyroidism is the condition that arises due to a deficiency of this hormone, which will leave you depressed, lethargic, and exhausted. Other symptoms include weight gain, pale and dry skin, sensitivity to cold and hard hair and nails.
Solution: If you notice any of these symptoms, then consult a doctor and get your thyroid checked.


We hope this helps you tackle your problem of always being cranky and irritable. It’s not nice to always be in a foul mood. So treat it well.