People who have OCD will relate to this
OCD stands for obsessive-compulsive disorder wherein a person has unwanted and repeated thoughts, ideas, and obsessions to do something over and over. People with OCD, go through a lot of struggles which others don’t. So here are few things which you can definitely relate to if you are an obsessive compulsive doodler:
Washing hands

You don’t even realise that you might have washed your hands more than ten times in an hour. Also, you can never go out without a hand sanitizer.
You worry way too much

If you have OCD, you will totally get what I mean here. If something is bothering you, it will keep on bothering you. You overthink about the smallest thing when something is not under control.
Your nightmares are different
Your nightmares and fears are different from non-OCD people. Your nightmares include when something is not under your control, order or symmetrical.
You get panic attacks quite often

Your friends and family are used to your panic attacks when something is not clean or not in order. You are unable to control such habits in front of people. Everything should be in order and under control.
Proper sequence of everything is important
All of the things are arranged by you in a proper sequence according to the colour or alphabetically or in any other order. You have categories for everything in which you place your stuff.
Check and Re-check

You have a habit of checking everything that it is in order, clean or not. You keep on re-checking it. For example, you keep on checking and rechecking your locks before sleeping or leaving your house.
You have your bedside
You sleep on your fixed bedside. You are unable to sleep if you don’t sleep on that specific side. You can’t let anyone sleep on your side.
Perfection in everything is must

You expect everything to be perfect and on time and if it is not, you surely get a panic attack. Everything should be clean and if you see dirt somewhere, you clean it immediately.