Recycle your old things with a new lease of life!

There are loads of useless things we all dump in the store room or in our cupboards. These household things were once our favourite so we don’t feel like passing them on to others. AAW tells you some simple tips and tricks to recycle your favourite old things. Read on to know the alternative uses of these dumped items:
Shower caps: A shower cap can become a perfect wrapper for shoes when traveling, preventing them from dirtying clothes packed in your suitcase.
Hair straightener: If the machine isn’t working well on your hair then use it to iron the cuff of a sleeve.

Bottles: Use the old plastic bottles as pots to grow plants. Make a square whole in the center of the bottle to fill mud inside the bottle. You can also use the plastic ketchup bottles as a pancake/dosa mix dispenser!
Flower vase: If you are bored of your old flower vase then cover it up with some old ribbons or paste some motifs on them to give them a new look.

Jars: Use the big empty jars as glasses and serve some interesting drinks to your guest in those glass jars. You can also use them as a flower vase,
T-shirts: Use your old shirts to make head bands, shoe straps or a camera strings instead of dumping it in the store room.
Nail paints: Bored of old nail colours then use them to paint the keys. Adding colour to them, make it easier to distinguish the specific key that you need.