Here are some ways to make DIY disinfectants using simple ingredients at home.
This is the best time to understand that our safety is in our hands and we are responsible for the decisions we make for our health. This pandemic has made us question our habits and hygiene practices. We have become more aware of what is happening around us, what could cause infection, pass it on, and how we can control it.
Sanitizers and disinfectants have now become a permanent part of our home and that is not going to change anytime soon. There are many disinfectants that are sold commercially and you can buy them in bulk and clean whichever corner of your house you’d like to. However, this does not mean you have to go to the store every time you run out of them.
Some disinfectants have fragrances and even some chemicals that can make some people uncomfortable. There is a way to take control of that and you can easily make disinfectants at home using simple ingredients that you may find sitting in your pantry.
Here are some ways to make simple disinfectants at home. Check out the videos:
DIY Disinfectant using Vodka
DIY Disinfectant using Dettol
DIY Disinfectant using neem
These are some ways to make a disinfectant at home. Choose the one according to the availability of the ingredients around you.