10 relationship rules you must follow

Love is the best thing that can happen to anyone but they say staying in love needs you to fall in love again and again with the same person.
While there is no rule book for a healthy relationship but a few simple tricks can bring back the love in your relationship.
Never compare: Don’t compare your partner with anyone else especially your ex or friends instead just be happy the way your partner is. In case you have some problem discusses it directly.
Stop blame game: Pointing fingers on each other and blaming them for everything is an easy task but unfortunately it spoils the essence of your relationship. Accept your mistakes rather than blaming it on your spouse.
Respect: Always listen to your mate’s idea suggestion and decision as mutual respect is essential for a good relationship. At times a disrespectful act can harm the bond between the two.
Show appreciation: Sometime just two small sentences of appreciation can make your partner happy. Acknowledge what your partner is saying, before expressing your opinion.
Clear misunderstandings: Fights and misunderstandings are a part of relationship but don’t let them over power it.Whenever there is some confusion discuss and sort it rather than yelling at each other or using rude language.
Manage difference: Avoiding a conflict is not important rather than managing it properly is. Two people and their thinking cannot be same so to maintain a good relationship try to control negative feelings and learn to handle differences carefully. Also avoid involvement of others in your relationship.
Trust: It is an essential element of a healthy relationship. Have trust and faith in your partner and your instincts, even if others say otherwise. A relationship without trust cannot work for long.
Speak up: Understand that your partner is not a mind reader rather speak up about your wishes and needs. Don’t fear to express yourself because if you don’t it will lead to disappointment and frustration for your partner for not meeting the expectations.
Don’t hold grudges: Forgiveness is one of the qualities of true love that matters in a relationship so try to forgive and don’t hold grudges against each other.