Your guide to the best first date

The first impression is the last impression; add to that some potent sexual attraction and you know the reason for all those butterflies in your stomach before the first date. A good first date is as important as compatibility for a romantic and healthy relationship. Down the years you want to remember it as something beautiful you both shared not an awkward dinner. We get you the dope on how to make that evening memorable:
Don’t be late: Punctuality is the real ‘first impression’ on the first date. Being late gives a bad impression to your date. It’s better to reach early than getting late. Start a few minutes early in dressing up or going to that place.
Dress accordingly: Select your attire and make up carefully. Revealing and gaudy clothes are a big no-no. Dress up elegantly and keep the makeup natural.
Don’t discuss sex: No matter, how brash you are, sex is a no-go topic, if you are looking for a long term relationship. Keep the conversation light and causal but do flirt. Using those double meaning sentences is ok but don’t overdo them.
I, me and myself- Verbal diarrhoea about your ‘goodness’ is a turn off, even if you are as hot as Anushka Sharma. The purpose of the date is to know each other. Try and create a friendly atmosphere and don’t sing your own praises. Give the guy a chance to do it instead!
Touch and see: Eye contact is essential for building rapport but don’t stare. Make fleeting eye contact with your partner to seem you are listening deeply. Subtle touch on his hand or arm mid-conversation is a good idea. Just don’t grab him yet!
Don’t experiment- Don’t experiment with the venue. Always suggest a tried and a tested place. Never order something you haven’t had before. Crabs are always a bad idea. Period.
Be a good listener: Blabbering is not a difficult task with us women, the real effort is to listen. Listen to your guys talk and don’t interrupt in between. Add something of value to the conversation. Refrain from gossiping.

Switch off your mobile: Switch off your mobile phone or make it silent at least.
Don’t forget the gift: Gift something to your date. Nothing expensive or flashy, even chocolates and flowers are fine.
Check before ordering: Be polite and ask you date what he wants. Don’t order everything you like. Don’t hog like a glutton also don’t just order a salad and keep picking it! Maintain that perfect balance. This applies to both food and drinks.
Kiss me not: No matter how good the evening was, don’t kiss on the first date. Indian men assume the worst even if it is just a peck on the cheek. Men will remain men; a kiss on the first date will spoil your image and make him think that you are easy.
Subtly Offer to Pay– Though the man will always (ideally) offer to pay but try to dutch the bill. Let him know you are financially strong and always offer to take him for ice-cream or desserts if he picks the tab.