Friendship Day is a reminder that friends are an important part of a happy fulfilling life, so its important to make this friendship’s day special for you and your friends. Team AAW suggest you some easy ways of doing it.
Friendship bands: Give your friend a designer and trendy friendship band. You can even create a fun one from scratch which will give a personalized effect to the stuff and also express your thoughtfulness.
Special Message:
- Post a video link of a special song to their Facebook wall or tweet
- a short note on why they are a great friend.
- Dedicate a song to your friend in your friend’s favorite radio show.
- Write your friend a note on their wall on why their friendship means so much to you.
Thoughtful gift: Gift your friend something special like an old picture of the good times you have spent together. A gift need not to be expensive but thoughtful. Make a snap book with the photos of your friends having different friendship quotes .
Talk: If you haven’t spoken to your friends since long so it’s the perfect day just call them or email them and revive some old memories. .

Spend some time together: It would be good if you can take out some time and go for movie , lunch or coffee with your friends.
Get together: Arrange a get together and play your favourite movies and songs so that you all can cherish them together.
Bury the grudges: Resolve your conflicts and misunderstanding and make sure you devote the time needed to make a friendship successful even when you’re busy.
Friends make life better, make sure, you thank them for being there.