Realistic expectations you can put on your relationship

It is acceptable to expect few things in a relationship

We expect many things from a relationship because of which we even get disheartened. Relationships are not a fairy tale which go smoothly, there are many ups and downs. Most of the times our unrealistic expectations leads to misunderstanding and fights. We understand that at times it’s hard to understand what you can reasonably expect from your partner so here are few things that are fair to expect from your relationship

Respect and some precious time

Love demands respect and time so it needs to be balanced in a relationship to keep it going. Secondly respect should be given to each one’s thinking, work  irrespective of personal choice. Demanding respect and time are totally acceptable and one need not to compromise on it .

Sharing and consideration

Sharing and consideration
Sharing and consideration

A perfect partner is the one who loves to share your load and considers your likes and dislikes. Expecting sharing and consideration is hence a very normal thing and should be a part of every relationship.

Complete loyalty and trust

Loyalty and trust
Loyalty and trust

Loyalty and trust are a building blocks of a relationship and if they are missing you can never be happy. Being loyal and committed to your partner is very important and not something to be asked or expected.

Affection and attention

Affection and attention
Affection and attention

Both of you must expect affection and attention as it is your partner who can comfort you anytime. Showing affection by holding, hugging, kissing, rubbing the back are the signs that would make you feel more loved by your partner. Your partner’s attention is your right.

Surprises on special occasions

Expecting surprises on special occasions is just a way of expressing your feelings so no harm in it.


Intimacy is not just about sex but loving each other, talking to teach other and making the partner feel loved and special.