Men are difficult to understand because of their complicated personality. Have you ever had brawling fights with your man for no reason? Or do you have the unhygienic habits most men have from peeing to itching in public? Well here is our small guide on men
1. Guys love girl’s smile and can even go crazy about it.
2. A guy can flirt the whole day but before sleeping he will only think about the girl he likes.
3. A boy can do anything to impress a girl he loves.
4. Guys can never take instructions from their girlfriends in public. They are fine with doing it in private.
5. All men are afraid of eye-lash curlers.
6. They like beautiful girls and not make up beauties.
7. Boys hate shopping with their girlfriends especially cosmetic.
8. Men can forgive but not forget.
9. Guys hate girls who overreact and do emotional drama.
10. Boys take experiences from real life and not from romance books like girls.
11. Guys don’t really care about matching shoes.
12. Boys also gossip like girls but in a different manner.
13. When it comes to settling down a boy wants a girl like his mother.
14. They don’t mind proposing a girl in front of their friends or in public.
15. Their fantasies are unlimited and can go to any level.
16. Guys don’t think too much like girls.
17. Not all boys like brainless beauties. At times boys like girls with brains than bimbos.
18. They are not secretive about their past like girls.
19. It is difficult for them to accept their defeat.
20. They also cry when they are upset or sad.
21. Men love watches with multiple functions.
22. Men are also sensitive but in a strange way.
23. Men are scared of waxing especially bikini waxing.
24. Men have higher body temperatures than women.
25. Guys have a strong passion to change but less will power.
26. The brains of adult men are about 10% larger in total size than the brains of women.
27.Most of the boys have had a secret crush on their school teacher.
28. Unlike girl boys need some time alone to unwind.
29. Girls need a reason but guys just need a place to have sex.
30. They love their gadgets and like to show them off.
If you think we have missed something, please share it with us by commenting below.