Here we have few toffees that every 90’s kid must have had in school days
Toffees have always been an all-time favorite and there are few which will always be special. With time the flavors and taste of the candies have changed and chocolates too have taken over them. Today’s generation may not be even aware of their existence but for us they are much more than just toffees. So lets go down to the memory lane and remember the sweet candies of ‘90s and most importantly, the memories with it.

This digestive candy was amazingly popular and was available at almost every shop in 90’s. It is still available but at few shops only.
Pan Pasand

The taste of pan wrapped in this candy was amazing. it was the perfect treat as eating Paan wasn’t allowed to us. Its been ages that I haven’t seen it any any pan shop.
Phantom Sweet Cigarettes

We all have at least once tried this fake cigarette toffee. This one reminds me of “Tu cigarette pee rahi hai”?
Guru Chela

The two faced picture on the wrapper made this sweet more popular.
Boom Boom Boomer!It is the best chewing gum we had. The blue colour man on its cover and the so called tattoo inside was so much fun.

Talking of candies from 90’s, this one is sure to come first. The multicolored candies are unforgettable. This was among the popular return gifts in school.
Big Babol

We loved making bubbles by this chewing gum and its jingle was legendary with its tag line saying, “Ye Hai Bare Kaam Ki Cheez”.

It is still the best sweet and sour candy available. Hajmola came in different flavors like mango and tamarind.
Jelly Cups

These colourful jellies were delicious.

The coolest chewing gums of those days because of its packing.
Kismi Bar

This candy was later made as a bar and is now available as a toffee.

It had the perfect tangy taste and its elephant picture packing can never be forgotten.
This cola flavored candy was a hit among kids and as these toffees came at an affordable rate, they were all more popular.
Mango Bite

With time the fame of this candy did not fade away and is available till date.