During our parents ‘arranged marriage’ time, age difference never mattered. But now many women and men are not happy with a big age gap. However, where age gap leads to misunderstandings Bollywood is gung ho about marrying with big age gap.
In real life the story is kind of similar; misunderstandings and lack of trust are common place in such relationships. But age can never be the deciding criteria for love. Here are a few tips on handling age difference in a relationship.
Generation gap: Weather you like it or not, you and your partner will always have a generation gap. Never try to over-play this gap. Make your partner comfortable with your group of friends and make him understand what your generation is all about.
Confidence is the key: If you have fallen in love with a guy 10 years your senior, don’t be ashamed of it. Accepting this gap and confident behavior will make your partner comfortable.

Be normal: When you have an age gap in your relationship, people tend to become more protective. This special treatment at time suffocates the beauty of the relationship. The age might be different but understand love is not. Do not become over possessive because of this difference.
Bond with your partner: In any relationship the first need is: to connect as a couple. Nurture this connection and develop a strong bond. With age difference in a coupe their is immense need of a stronger emotional connect so that love can conquer issues like age gap.
Right reasons: No girl should ever date an older man for his money! Yes, many girls do want a sugar daddy to fulfill their demands but such a relationship is more about using his money, position and power than love.